Meet Silvia Bueso, certified coach specialized in “the art of asking”

Silvia Bueso is a professional coach, speaker, and consultant. She holds a degree in Law from the University of Barcelona and a degree in Journalism from Pompeu Fabra University. In addition, she recently participated in the ESADE Management Development programme, and holds the official ICF coach certification, as well as the CTI International leadership program. On a professional level, she has worked as a fundraiser for the ESADE Foundation and held leadership roles in the area of corporate communication at various organizations.

Moreover, she has created a method known as “El arte de pedir” (the art of asking), a technique for developing the ability to ask with confidence and assertiveness in order to raise money, speak persuasively, draw in and keep clients, or redefine one’s career. She also teaches how to effectively communicate a project or how to reinvent professionally and get the ideal job.

The secrets to this method are also outlined in two of his books: De darlo todo a pedir lo que te dé la gana and El arte de pedir para conseguir tus objetivos.

Therefore, through this methodology, Silvia Bueso has helped hundreds of women to achieve their goals and be the best version of themselves.

Get to know this real woman changemaker!

How did you start your career as an entrepreneur? What motivated you to become an entrepreneur?

The beginnings of my career as an entrepreneur were bumpy and rich as life itself. A few days after leaving an executive position in a company and deciding to dedicate myself 100% to “the art of asking”, I was hit by a car riding a motorcycle and I spent almost a year on leave with surgery included. This fact made me connect even more with my purpose and I felt revived to continue with “the art of asking”. During my long absence I wrote my first book, “El arte de pedir para conseguir tus objetivos” (The art of asking to achieve your goals, Ed. Culbuks) and I confirmed that ‘the art of asking’ was a structured, practical in its execution and fun method to learn to ask without shame.

What are the main barriers and obstacles you have encountered as a woman in the business world?

This question is enough to write a book. And I wrote it with the title ‘De darlo todo a pedir lo que te dé la gana’ (From giving everything to asking for what you want, Ed. Planeta. Libros Cúpula). One of my main barriers as a woman has been that I have had to prove, prove and prove my worth to lead teams and to execute projects. It has also happened now, it has been very hard to become a recognized businesswoman. Another difficulty has been having to raise my voice to get what I wanted. I would say that it is the trait of my personality that I celebrate the most. I have learned to be persistent and resilient. 

Why did you develop your method “the art of asking”?

The “art of asking” method was created to give back to the word “asking”, and also to the words “raising funds” and “selling”, the dignity it deserves. We all ask and in all areas of our lives. However, there are few people feeling comfortable doing so. The “art of asking’ method was born to teach that asking is not shameful or for weak people, but that asking is dignifying and humane. Thanks to the method, thousands of people are overcoming their fears and obstacles when asking things. It is about applying the techniques, skills and attitude to ask with confidence and conviction, knowing what steps to take at each moment. 

What do you think is the most important thing you have achieved?

The most important thing I have achieved is to believe in myself and my goals, and go for them overcoming obstacles, life circumstances not chosen and asking for help to conquer my personal and professional requests. Now I am a recognised coach and speaker. The merit is mine. I have earned it hard. I have put myself in the center and I am the protagonist of what I achieve, surrounding myself with people who inspire me and give me wings to fly high.

What knowledge do you think you should have had or wish you had before starting your entrepreneur career?

I believe that skills can be acquired and muscular. We are always on time. What I would have loved to have known is that I could start an idea from scratch and turn it into a business with which I could live the life I wanted. I would also have liked someone telling me “make mistakes as many times as you want to be better each time until you hit the target and achieve what you want” and “pain, frustration and sadness are a source of growth and a springboard to learn and grow as a person and professional”. The well-being and mental health of businesspeople is essential and I would also have liked to have been told about how important it is to pamper our mind, body and soul. Today I have a team that also includes medical personnel, a psychologist, a psychiatrist, an astrologer, and I work with mentors so that my business and my health are iron, when everything is going well and when everything is going badly.

What advice would you give to a woman who wants to start a business or who is just starting her entrepreneurial career?

I would tell her, go ahead! And I would invite her to ask herself what life she wants. The answer will allow her to draw a path towards that desired life and to know what to say yes to and what to say no to so as not to deviate from her chosen destiny and dreamed life.

Would you like to share an inspiring quote?

The phrase that defines the essence of asking is: “Asking is the noble art of teaching people the pleasure of giving”.


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